Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spawn Vinylmation Custom

As a child growing up I was a huge comic book fan! In particularly I was a huge "Image" comic book fan! Reading such greats as Pitt, The Maxx, Savage Dragon, Gen13, StormWatch, Team 7, Ultra, Wetworks, WildC.A.T.s, ShadowHawk, and last but most certainty not least Spawn!

Spawn was by far my personal favorite! Spawn was to my youth what Vinylmation are to me now! I would rush to the comic book store on my bike to pick up the latest issue of Spawn! I always bought two issues, one to read and one that went straight into a comic book sleeve and straight into a box for preservation! I stood in line for hours at Puzzle Zoo in Santa Monica to get Todd McFarlane's autograph with a certificate of authenticity!

Alright, enough reminiscing about my childhood nerdiness, and back to the present!

When I saw Celeste's custom Spawn vinyl, it was an absolute no-brainer for myself to add this to my collection!

Spawn, in all his Vinylmation awesomness!

Profile view! The spikes add to the fantastic detail!

Can't have a Spawn without a cape!

I love the way the cape drapes down.

Kudos on all the accessories that really bring this custom to life!

Shout out to Celeste and Co. who continue to produce quality customs! I had the pleasure of meeting her in person at the trading event held at the Paradise Pier on January 14th. I look forward to seeing what else you produce! Keep up the amazing work!

If you have not had a chance to check out her work, click the link at the bottom of this post to see her customs displayed on her blog! And last but not least I leave you with a fun picture of my Spawn prowling around the cities rooftops, like only he can!